10 local lessons for making your art work

After completing a major project in the Spring of 2011, I found myself in a complicated place of artistic exhaustion and uncertainty. Somehow creating performance had become more of a burden than a joy, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue making work. So I took a break. Instead of making my own work, I started asking the many local artists I admired about theirs. In the process of interviewing these individuals and looking at what they make, I’ve been inspired to think differently about my own art. Here are some of the lessons I hope to implement when it comes to growing an artistic career with at least a smidgen of sanity. Treat your art like a business “Freelancing is not a hobby,” tweeted
Headshot of Laura Holway
Laura Holway

Laura Holway makes offbeat dance works and curates Small Art, an intimate performance series. She likes to throw dinner parties and rocks with her toddler. More at lauraholway.com